Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ramen Noodle Taste Of Curry

What you will need:

  • 1 package ram en noodles( as far as I know the noodles are vegan, not the seasoning)
  • 1 teaspoon curry powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon cumin
    1. Make the noodles how you normally would and add the new seasonings instead of the seasoning packet

    It's Alright To Slip

    Yeah, believe it or not I am not going to judge you for eating that steak the other night.  It happens, don't beat yourself up over it and don't let it change your idea to become vegan.

    Eating meat or dairy once in a while happens. Periodically I slip up too, but I don't let it knock me off track. So keep your chin up, it's not he end of the world.

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013

    Look For Sales

    Yes, look for sales. Now 'm not telling you to go all out and clip coupons, but I am telling you to shop smart.
    Couponing is one way to get great deals on things you need, but by paying attention to weekly flyers you can easily save money.
    Sometimes stores will have pasta for 49 cents before coupons. I know that is awesome. Cooking oils might be on sale the next week. During summer months fruits and vegatables will be on sale.
    So before you spend money on food make a list and see if anything on you list is on sale.

    Roasted Taco Pototoes

    What you need:
    6-8 peeled cubed potatoes (you decided which ones to use)
    1/2 pkg. taco seasoning
    1 cup water
    baking pan
    What you do:
    1.Put potatoes , seasoning , and water in pan.
    2. Stir it
    3.Cover with aluminum
    4.Heat oven to 350
    5.Cook for 40 minutes
    6.Let cool and enjoy

    Taco Tato Buritto

    What you need:
    2 tablespoons oil
    1/4 cup onion, diced
    1/4 cup bell pepper, diced
    1 shredded potato
    1 large tortilla
    1/2 cup vegan cheddar cheese, grated (or nutritional yeast)
    1 tablespoon taco seasoning
    What to do:
    1. Heat a  pan (large enough for the tortilla to fit in) to medium-high. Add oil, onion, pepper and shredded potatoes.  Brown on 1 sided then flip to the next side.
    2. Put shredded potatoes mix on  plate.
    3. Place the tortilla in the pan .
    4.Sprinkle cheese on tortilla first( If using nutritional yeast mix everything together then add together) then shredded potato mix
    5. Remove from pan.

    Monday, June 17, 2013

    In The Begining

             So you have decided to become Vegan. That is great. For what ever reason you have decide to become Vegan I am here to help you transition. At first it might be a little overwhelming , but it gets easier.

             When i first became vegan I felt like i was so limited as to what i could have. I kept reminding myself that in the long run i would thank myself for having a better diet. As time went on i started putting the pieces together and it occurred to me that everything i thought i was missing out on was only a matter of changing a few ingredients and i would have the same food i loved.

               With out further a due I will help you begin this journey.